Ella Moss now offers spiritual treatment course designed to gain insight into individual purpose in this life-time, remove karma and invite better circumstances in one's life.
It consists of 5 core sessions:
1)Natal chart reading, blending Western and Vedic astrology, and life-time forecast based on planetary periods (Vedic astrology) - $150.00 value
This reading would help to gain insights into individual life purpose.
Special meditation and other techniques will be taught at that session, calibrated specifically for the client
2)First past life regression, followed by chakra cleansing and re-balancing - $150.00 value
3)Second past life regression, followed by chakra cleansing and re-balancing - $150.00 value
4)Third past life regression, followed by chakra cleansing and re-balancing - $150.00 value
Each regression includes re-evaluation of past life experiences - which is crucial to removing karma. At least 3 sessions are needed for an individual to learn to trust the process enough to re-visit difficult lives that have created negative karma.
5)Present life re-evaluation and adjustment of coping mechanism through re-framing techniques (hypnotherapy) - $100 value
Total course of treatment is $500.00 Inquire at zodiactimes@gmail.com


New series of workshops in astrology, designed to blend Western and Vedic techniques.
Everyone is welcome: from very beginners to seasoned professional - all will benefit.
The techniques I am teaching are based on The Munich Rhythm Theory, developed by a German astrologer, Wolfgang Dobereiner. These techniques are significantly enriched by my experience with Western and Vedic astrology. They allow to read charts and forecast with incredible accuracy.
Workshops are going to be given once a month on Sundays.
I believe, the following 3 workshops are crucial, as they lay necessary foundation for learning further techniques:
WORKSHOP 1: 9/21/08 from 2:30 pm to 6:00 pm
Planetary and Zodiacal Energies in Depth

WORKSHOP 2: 10/26/08 from 12:00 pm to 3:30 pm
Elemental Pictures, Chart types, Dispositors, and Houses

WORKSHOP 3: 11/16/08 from 2:30 pm to 6:00 pm
Formula of Interpretation and Aspects

Each workshop is $55.00 if registered in advance, $50 if pre-paid for all 3 workshops, or $60.00 at the door.
All workshops are held in Manhattan. Exact location is going to be posted in August.
To sign up, please e-mail zodiactimes@gmail.com